Statistics and Its Interface

Volume 17 (2024)

Number 2

Special issue on statistical learning of tensor data

Learning conditional dependence graph for concepts via matrix normal graphical model

Pages: 187 – 198



Jizheng Lai (Center for Applied Statistics and School of Statistics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)

Jianxin Yin (Center for Applied Statistics and School of Statistics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)


Conditional dependence relationships for random vectors are extensively studied and broadly applied. But it is not very clear how to construct the dependence graph for unstructured data like concept words or phrases in text corpus, where the variables(concepts) are not jointly observed with i.i.d. assumption. Using the global embedding methods like GloVe, we get the ‘structured’ representation vectors for concepts. Then we assume that all the concept vectors jointly follow a matrix normal distribution with sparse precision matrices. With the observation of the word-word co-occurrence matrix and the GloVe construction procedure, we can test this assumption empirically. The asymptotic distribution for the test statistics is derived. Another advantage of this matrix-normal distributional assumption is that the linearly additive property in word analogy tasks is natural and straightforward.

Different from knowledge graph methods, the conditional dependence graph describes the conditional dependence structure between concepts given all other concepts, which means that the concepts(nodes) linked by edges cannot be separated by other concepts. It represents an essential semantic relationship. There is no need to enumerate all related pairs as head and tail elements of a triplet in knowledge graph regime. And the relation type in this graph is solely the conditional dependence between concepts.

A penalized matrix normal graphical model (MNGM) is then employed to learn the conditional dependence graph for both the concepts and the embedding ‘dimensions’. Since the concept words are nodes in our graph with huge dimensions, we employ the MDMC optimization method to speed up the glasso algorithm. Also, the algorithm is adaptive to incremental accumulation of new concepts in text corpus. On the other hand, we propose a sentence granularity bootstrap to get ‘independent’ repeats of samples to enhance the penalized MNGM algorithm.We name the proposed method as Matrix-GloVe.

In simulation studies, we check that the graph learned by Matrix-GloVe is more suitable for Graph Convolutional Networks(GCN) than a correlation graph, i.e. a graph determined from the k-NN method. We employ the proposed method in two scenarios from real data. The first scenario is concept graph learning for concepts in textbook corpus. Under this scenario, two tasks are studied. One is comparing the vectors output by GloVe and other word2vec methods, i.e. CBOW and Skip-Gram, then the vectors are used by penalized MNGM. Another task is link prediction among the concepts. On both tasks, Matrix-GloVe achieves better. In the second scenario, Matrix-GloVe is applied to a downstream method i.e. GCN. For node classification tasks on the BBC and BBCSport datasets, both GCN with Matrix- GloVe and GCN with Matrix-GloVe plus Deepwalk outperform GCN with k-NN.


concept graph, conditional dependence graph, graph convolution network, matrix normal graphical model, word embedding

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

Primary 62F10. Secondary 62F03.

This paper is supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2020YFC2004900).

Received 30 September 2022

Accepted 13 February 2023

Published 1 February 2024