Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

Volume 3 (2007)

Number 1


On the Equivalence of Geometric and Analytic K-Homology

Paul Baum, Nigel Higson, and Thomas Schick

pp. 1-24

Moment-angle Complexes, Monomial Ideals and Massey Products

Graham Denham and Alexander I. Suciu

pp. 25-60

Towards Non-Reductive Geometric Invariant Theory

Brent Doran and Frances Kirwan

pp. 61-105

Noncommutative Complete Intersections and Matrix Integrals

Pavel Etingof and Victor Ginzburg

pp. 107-151

Motivic Decomposition and Intersection Chow Groups II

Alessio Corti and Masaki Hanamura

pp. 181-203

A Multiperversity Generalization of Intersection Homology

Greg Friedman and Gil Kalai

pp. 205-224

On the Fibres of a Toroidal Resolution

Arvind N. Nair

pp. 323-346

Topological E-Factors

Alexander Beilinson

pp. 357-391