Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

Volume 1 (2005)

Number 4


Average Values of Modular L-series Via the Relative Trace Formula

Dinakar Ramakrishnan and Jonathan Rogawski

pp. 701-735

Construction of Some Generalised Modular Symbols

B. Speh and T. N. Venkataramana

pp. 737-754

Spherical Unitary Principal Series

Dan Barbasch and Dan Ciubotaru

pp. 755-789

Elliptic Genus and Vertex Operator Algebras

Chongying Dong, Kefeng Liu, and Xiaonan Ma

pp. 791-815

Some Remarks on Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants

A. Schwarz and I. Shapiro

pp. 817-826

Conley Index Theory and Novikov-Morse Theory

Huijun Fan and Jurgen Jost

pp. 939-971

On Borel’s Regularization Theorem

Jurgen Rohlfs

pp. 973-987