Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 30 (2023)

Number 3

Annihilators of $D$-modules in mixed characteristic

Pages: 721 – 732



Rankeya Datta (Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., U.S.A.)

Nicholas Switala (Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, Il., U.S.A.)

Wenliang Zhang (Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, Il., U.S.A.)


Let $R$ be a polynomial or formal power series ring with coefficients in a DVR $V$ of mixed characteristic with a uniformizer $\pi$. We prove that the $R$-module annihilator of any nonzero $\mathcal{D}(R,V)$-module is either zero or is generated by a power of $\pi$. In contrast to the equicharacteristic case, nonzero annihilators can occur; we give an example of a top local cohomology module of the ring $\mathbb{Z}_2 [[x_0, \dotsc, x_5]]$ that is annihilated by $2$, thereby answering a question of Hochster in the negative. The same example also provides a counterexample to a conjecture of Lyubeznik and Yildirim.

The second author gratefully acknowledges NSF support through grant DMS-1604503. The third author is partially supported by the NSF through grant DMS-1606414 and CAREER grant DMS-1752081.

Received 3 May 2021

Received revised 30 September 2021

Accepted 19 October 2021

Published 15 December 2023