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Journal of Combinatorics
Volume 6 (2015)
Number 4
Properties of stochastic Kronecker graphs
Pages: 395 – 432
The stochastic Kronecker graph model introduced by Leskovec et al. is a random graph with vertex set $\mathbb{Z}^n_2$, where two vertices $u$ and $v$ are connected with probability $\alpha^{u \cdot v} \gamma^{(1-u) \cdot (1-v)} \beta^{n-u \cdot v-(1-u) \cdot (1-v)}$ independently of the presence or absence of any other edge, for fixed parameters $0 \lt \alpha, \beta, \gamma \lt 1$. Leskovec et al. have shown empirically that the degree sequence resembles a power law degree distribution. In this paper we show that the stochastic Kronecker graph a.a.s. does not feature a power law degree distribution for any parameters $0 \lt \alpha, \beta, \gamma \lt 1$. In addition, we analyze the number of subgraphs present in the stochastic Kronecker graph and study the typical neighborhood of any given vertex.
random graphs, power law, degree distribution, subgraph
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
Published 31 July 2015