Journal of Combinatorics

Volume 4 (2013)

Number 3

Coincidental pattern avoidance

Pages: 311 – 326



Bridget Eileen Tenner (Department of Mathematical Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.)


There are several versions of permutation pattern avoidance that have arisen in the literature, and some known examples of two different types of pattern avoidance coinciding. In this paper, we examine barred patterns and vincular patterns. Answering a question of Steingrímsson, we determine when barred pattern avoidance coincides with avoiding a finite set of vincular patterns, and when vincular pattern avoidance coincides with avoiding a finite set of barred patterns. There are 720 barred patterns with this property, each having between 3 and 7 letters, of which at most 2 are barred, and there are 48 vincular patterns with this property, each having between 2 and 4 letters and exactly one bond.


permutation, pattern, barred pattern, vincular pattern, generalized pattern

Published 13 August 2013