Journal of Combinatorics

Volume 2 (2011)

Number 4

Ramsey functions for quasi-progressions with large diameter

Pages: 557 – 573



Adam S. Jobson (University of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.)

André E. Kézdy (University of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.)

Hunter S. Snevily (Department of Mathematics, University of Idaho, Moscow, Id., U.S.A.)

Susan C. White (Department of Mathematics, Bellarmine University, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.)


A $k$-term quasi-progression of diameter $d$ is a sequence\[x_1 \lt \cdots \lt x_k\]of positive integers for which there exists a positive integer $l$ such that $l \leq x_{j}-x_{j-1} \leq l+d$, for all $j=2, \ldots, k$. Let $Q (d,k)$ be the least positive integer such that every $2$-coloring of $\{ 1, \ldots,Q (d,k) \}$ contains a monochromatic $k$-term quasi-progression of diameter $d$. We prove that\[Q(k-i,k) = 2ik-4i+2r-1,\]if $k=mi+r$ for integers $m,r$ such that $3 \le r \lt \frac{i}{2}$ and $r-1 \le m$. We also prove that, if $k \geq 2i \geq1$, then\[Q ( k-i,k ) =\begin{cases}2ik - 4i + 3 & \text{if } k \equiv 0 \: \text{or} \: 2 \: (\operatorname{mod} i) \\2ik - 2i + 1 & \text{if } k \equiv 1 \: (\operatorname{mod} i)\end{cases}\]These results partially settle several conjectures due to Landman [“Ramsey Functions for Quasi-Progressions”, Graphs and Combinatorics 14 (1998), 131–142].


Ramsey, coloring, arithmetic progression, van der Waerden

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

Primary 05D10. Secondary 11B25.

Published 6 April 2012