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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 24 (2022)
Number 2
Exponentials of non-singular simplicial sets
Pages: 307 – 314
A simplicial set is non-singular if the representing map of each non-degenerate simplex is degreewise injective. The simplicial mapping set $X^K$ has $n$‑simplices given by the simplicial maps $\Delta [n] \times K \to X$. We prove that $X^K$ is non-singular whenever $X$ is non-singular. It follows that non-singular simplicial sets form a cartesian closed category with all limits and colimits, but it is not a topos.
non-singular simplicial set, exponential ideal, cartesian closed category
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
18D15, 55U10
Received 18 August 2021
Received revised 8 October 2021
Accepted 11 October 2021
Published 24 August 2022