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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 24 (2022)
Number 2
On generalized projective product spaces and Dold manifolds
Pages: 265 – 289
D. Davis introduced projective product spaces in 2010 as a generalization of real projective spaces and discussed some of their topological properties. On the other hand, Dold manifolds were introduced by A. Dold in 1956 to study the generators of the non-oriented cobordism ring. Recently, in 2019, A. Nath and P. Sankaran made a modest generalization of Dold manifolds. In this paper we simultaneously generalize both the notions of projective product spaces and Dold manifolds, leading to infinitely many different classes of new smooth manifolds. Our main goal will be to study the integral homology groups, cohomology rings, stable tangent bundles, and vector field problems, on certain generalized projective product spaces and Dold manifolds.
Dold manifold, projective product space, toric manifold, small cover, homology group, cohomology ring, vector field, tangent space, Stiefel–Whitney characteristic class
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
55N10, 55R25, 57R20, 57R25, 57R42
Received 16 October 2021
Received revised 22 November 2021
Accepted 22 November 2021
Published 24 August 2022