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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 22 (2020)
Number 2
Koszul duality and the Hochschild cohomology of Artin–Schelter regular algebras
Pages: 181 – 202
We identify two Batalin–Vilkovisky algebra structures, one obtained by Kowalzig and Krahmer on the Hochschild cohomology of an Artin–Schelter regular algebra with semisimple Nakayama automorphism and the other obtained by Lambre, Zhou and Zimmermann on the Hochschild cohomology of a Frobenius algebra also with semisimple Nakayama automorphism, provided that these two algebras are Koszul dual to each other.
Artin–Schelter algebra, Koszul duality, cohomology, Batalin–Vilkovisky algebra
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
14A22, 16E40, 16S38
Received 25 January 2019
Received revised 11 June 2019
Accepted 15 October 2019
Published 29 April 2020