Contents Online
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 22 (2020)
Number 2
The homology of principally directed ordered groupoids
Pages: 163 – 172
We present some homological properties of a relation $\beta$ on ordered groupoids that generalises the minimum group congruence for inverse semigroups. When $\beta$ is a transitive relation on an ordered groupoid $G$, the quotient $G / \beta$ is again an ordered groupoid, and we construct a pair of adjoint functors between the module categories of $G$ and of $G / \beta$. As a consequence, we show that the homology of $G$ is completely determined by that of $G / \beta$, generalising a result of Loganathan for inverse semigroups.
groupoid, homology, colimit
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
18G60, 20J05, 20L05
Some of these results are presented in a different form as part of the first author’s PhD thesis [2]. The support of a MACS Global Platform Studentship from Heriot-Watt University is gratefully acknowledged.
Received 12 April 2017
Published 15 April 2020