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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 19 (2017)
Number 1
Bousfield localization of ghost maps
Pages: 371 – 389
In homotopy theory, a ghost map is a map that induces the zero map on all stable homotopy groups. Bousfield localization is the homotopy-theoretic analogue of localization for rings and modules. In this paper, we consider the Bousfield localization of ghost maps. In particular, we pose the question: for which localization functors is it the case that the localization of a ghost is always a ghost? On the category of $p$-local spectra, we conjecture that the only localizations satisfying this property are the zero functor, the identity functor, and localization with respect to the rational Eilenberg–Mac Lane spectrum $H\mathbb{Q}$.We significantly narrow the field of possible counter-examples (one interesting outstanding possibility is the Brown–Comenetz dual of the sphere) and we consider a weaker version of the question at hand.
Bousfield localization, ghost map, ghost-preserving localization
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
55P42, 55P60
Published 6 June 2017