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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 18 (2016)
Number 1
Pointed homotopy of maps between 2-crossed modules of commutative algebras
Pages: 99 – 128
We address the homotopy theory of 2-crossed modules of commutative algebras, which are equivalent to simplicial commutative algebras with Moore complex of length two. In particular, we construct for maps of 2-crossed modules a homotopy relation, and prove that it yields an equivalence relation in very unrestricted cases (freeness up to order one of the domain 2-crossed module). This latter condition strictly includes the case when the domain is cofibrant. Furthermore, we prove that this notion of homotopy yields a groupoid with objects being the 2-crossed module maps between two fixed 2-crossed modules (with free up to order one domain), the morphisms being the homotopies between 2-crossed module maps.
simplicial commutative algebra, crossed module of commutative algebras, 2-crossed module of commutative algebras, quadratic derivation
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
Primary 55U10. Secondary 18D05, 18D20, 55Q15.
Published 31 May 2016