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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 17 (2015)
Number 1
Behavior of Quillen (co)homology with respect to adjunctions
Pages: 67 – 109
This paper aims to answer the following question: Given an adjunction between two categories, how is Quillen (co)homology in one category related to that in the other? We identify the induced comparison diagram, giving necessary and sufficient conditions for it to arise, and describe the various comparison maps. Examples are given. Along the way, we clarify some categorical assumptions underlying Quillen (co)homology: cocomplete categories with a set of small projective generators provide a convenient setup.
Quillen, homology, cohomology, adjunction, simplicial, model structure, comparison
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
13D03, 18G30, 18G55, 55U35
Published 18 May 2015