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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 16 (2014)
Number 2
Bousfield lattices of non-Noetherian rings: some quotients and products
Pages: 205 – 229
In the context of a well generated tensor triangulated category, Section 3 investigates the relationship between the Bousfield lattice of a quotient and quotients of the Bousfield lattice. In Section 4 we develop a general framework to study the Bousfield lattice of the derived category of a commutative or graded-commutative ring, using derived functors induced by extension of scalars. Section 5 applies this work to extend results of Dwyer and Palmieri to new non-Noetherian rings.
Bousfield lattice, non-Noetherian, derived category
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
13D02, 13D09, 18D10, 18E30, 55U35
Published 30 November 2014