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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 14 (2012)
Number 2
The equivariant slice filtration: a primer
Pages: 143 – 166
We present an introduction to the equivariant slice filtration. After reviewing the definitions and basic properties, we determine the slice-connectivity of various families of naturally arising spectra. This leads to an analysis of pullbacks of slices defined on quotient groups, producing new collections of slices. Building on this, we determine the slice tower for the Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum associated to a Mackey functor for a cyclic $p$-group. We then relate the Postnikov tower to the slice tower for various spectra. Finally, we pose a few conjectures about the nature of slices and pullbacks.
slice spectral sequence, slice filtration, equivariant homotopy
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
55N91, 55P91, 55P92
Published 4 December 2012