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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 9 (2007)
Number 1
$t$-model structures
Pages: 399 – 438
For every stable model category $\mathcal{M}$ with a certain extra structure, we produce an associated model structure on the pro-category pro-$\mathcal{M}$ and a spectral sequence, analogous to the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, with reasonably good convergence properties for computing in the homotopy category of pro-$\mathcal{M}$. Our motivating example is the category of pro-spectra.
The extra structure referred to above is a $t$-model structure. This is a rigidification of the usual notion of a $t$-structure on a triangulated category. A $t$-model structure is a proper simplicial stable model category $\mathcal{M}$ with a $t$-structure on its homotopy category together with an additional factorization axiom.
model category, pro-category, $t$-structure
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
18E30, 55P42, 55U35
Published 1 January 2007