Homology, Homotopy and Applications

Volume 4 (2002)

Number 2

The Roos Festschrift volume


Crossed extensions of algebras and Hochschild cohomology

Hans-Joachim Baues and Elias Gabriel Minian

pp. 63-82

An algebraic model for homotopy fibers

Nicolas Dupont and Kathryn Hess

pp. 117-139

Nonsplit extensions of modular Lie algebras of rank 2

A. S. Dzhumadiľdaev and S. S. Ibraev

pp. 141-163

Trees, free right-symmetric algebras, free Novikov algebras and identities

Askar Dzhumadiľdaev and Clas Löfwall

pp. 165-190

Growth and Lie brackets in the homotopy Lie algebra

Yves Félix, Stephen Halperin, and Jean-Claude Thomas

pp. 219-225

Defining relations for classical Lie superalgebras without Cartan matrices

P. Grozman, D. Leites, and E. Poletaeva

pp. 259-275

Resolutions by mapping cones

Jürgen Herzog and Yukihide Takayama

pp. 277-294

On constructing resolutions over the polynomial

Leif Johansson, Larry Lambe, and Emil Sköldberg

pp. 315-336

Resolutions and lattices

Irena Peeva

pp. 427-437