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Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Volume 3 (2001)
Number 2
Volume of a Workshop at Stanford University
Idempotents and Landweber exactness in brave new algebra
Pages: 355 – 359
We explain how idempotents in homotopy groups give rise to splittings of homotopy categories of modules over commutative $S$-algebras, and we observe that there are naturally occurring equivariant examples involving idempotents in Burnside rings. We then give a version of the Landweber exact functor theorem that applies to $MU$-modules.
Brown-Peterson spectrum, Landweber exact functor theorem, complex cobordism, $E_{\infty}$ ring spectrum
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
55N20, 55N91, 55P43
Published 1 January 2001