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Communications in Number Theory and Physics
Volume 8 (2014)
Number 3
Zeros of Dirichlet $L$-functions over function fields
Pages: 511 – 539
Random matrix theory has successfully modeled many systems in physics and mathematics, and often analysis in one area guides development in the other. Hughes and Rudnick computed one-level density statistics for low-lying zeros of the family of primitive Dirichlet $L$-functions of fixed prime conductor $Q$, as $Q \to \infty$, and verified the unitary symmetry predicted by the random matrix theory. We compute one- and two-level statistics of the analogous family of Dirichlet $L$-functions over $\mathbb{F}_q(T)$. Whereas the Hughes-Rudnick results were restricted by the support of the Fourier transform of their test function, our test function is periodic and our results are only restricted by a decay condition on its Fourier coefficients. Our statements are more general and also include error terms. In concluding, we discuss an $\mathbb{F}_q(T)$-analog of Montgomery’s Hypothesis on the distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions, which Fiorilli and Miller show would remove the restriction on the Hughes-Rudnick results.
Published 11 November 2014