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Communications in Number Theory and Physics
Volume 4 (2010)
Number 1
Instanton corrections to the universal hypermultiplet and automorphic forms on {$SU(2,1)$}
Pages: 187 – 266
The hypermultiplet moduli space in Type IIA string theorycompactified on a rigid Calabi–Yau threefold $\mc{X}$,corresponding to the “universal hypermultiplet,” isdescribed at tree level by the symmetric space$SU(2,1)/(SU(2)\times U(1))$. To determine the quantumcorrections to this metric, we posit that a discretesubgroup of the continuous tree level isometry group$SU(2,1)$, namely the Picard modular group$SU(2,1;\mbb{Z}[i])$, must remain unbroken in the exactmetric –- including all perturbative and non-perturbativequantum corrections. This assumption is expected to bevalid when $\mc{X}$ admits complex multiplication by$\mbb{Z}[i]$. Based on this hypothesis, we construct an$SU(2,1;\mbb{Z}[i])$-invariant, non-holomorphic Eisensteinseries, and tentatively propose that this Eisenstein seriesprovides the exact contact potential on the twistor spaceover the universal hypermultiplet moduli space. We analyzeits non-Abelian Fourier expansion, and show that theAbelian and non-Abelian Fourier coefficients take therequired form for instanton corrections due to EuclideanD2-branes wrapping special Lagrangian submanifolds, and toEuclidean NS5-branes wrapping the entire Calabi–Yauthreefold, respectively. While this tentative proposalfails to reproduce the correct one-loop correction, theconsistency of the Fourier expansion with physicsexpectations provides strong support for the usefulness ofthe Picard modular group in constraining the quantum modulispace.
Published 1 January 2010