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Communications in Number Theory and Physics
Volume 3 (2009)
Number 4
New percolation crossing formulas and second-order modular forms
Pages: 677 – 696
We consider the three crossing probability densities for percolation recently found via conformal field theory [23]. We prove that all three of them (i) may be simply expressed in terms of Cardy’s [4] and Watts’ [24] crossing probabilities, (ii) are (weakly holomorphic) second-order modular forms of weight 0 (and a single particular type) on the congruence group Γ(2), and (iii) under some technical assumptions (similar to those used in [19]) are completely determined by their transformation laws.
The only physical input in (iii) is Cardy’s crossing formula, which suggests an unknown connection between all crossing-type formulas.
Published 1 January 2009