Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Volume 22 (2024)

Number 1


A general framework for nonlocal Neumann problems

Guy Foghem and Moritz Kassmann

pp. 15-66

Description of random level sets by polynomial chaos expansions

Markus Bambach, Stephan Gerster, Michael Herty, and Aleksey Sikstel

pp. 95-112

Energy method for the Boltzmann equation of monatomic gaseous mixtures

Laurent Boudin, Bérénice Grec, Milana Pavić-Čolić, and Srboljub Simić

pp. 137-166

Unipolar Euler–Poisson equations with time-dependent damping: blow-up and global existence

Jianing Xu, Shaohua Chen, Ming Mei, and Yuming Qin

pp. 181-214

On the properties of affine solutions of cold plasma equations

Olga S. Rozanova and Marko K. Turzynsky

pp. 215-226

A variational approach for price formation models in one dimension

Yuri Ashrafyan, Tigran Bakaryan, Diogo Gomes, and Julian Gutierrez

pp. 227-255