Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Volume 21 (2023)

Number 5


Emergent behaviors of the kinetic Lohe Hermitian sphere model

Junhyeok Byeon, Seung-Yeal Ha, Gyuyoung Hwang, and Hansol Park

pp. 1171-1213

A quantitative version of the transversality theorem

Andrew Murdza and Khai T. Nguyen

pp. 1303-1320

Existence of polynomial attractor for a class of extensible beams with nonlocal weak damping

Chunxiang Zhao, Chunyan Zhao, and Chengkui Zhong

pp. 1393-1413

Fast Communications

Geometry of backflow transformation ansatze for quantum many-body fermionic wavefunctions

Hang Huang, Joseph M. Landsberg, and Jianfeng Lu

pp. 1447-1453