Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Volume 15 (2017)

Number 4

Fluctuation-dissipation theorem consistent approximation of the Langevin dynamics model

Pages: 1171 – 1181

(Fast Communication)



Lina Ma (Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Penn., U.S.A.)

Xiantao Li (Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Penn., U.S.A.)

Chun Liu (Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Penn., U.S.A.)


We present a numerical method for solving the Langevin dynamics model. Rather than the trajectory-wise accuracy, we focus on the consistency to the equilibrium statistics at the discrete level. A discrete fluctuation-dissipation theorem is imposed to ensure that the statistical properties are preserved.


molecular dynamics, Langevin dynamics, fluctuation-dissipation theorem

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

60G10, 65C30

Published 16 May 2017