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Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Volume 31 (2023)
Number 9
Equivalent characterizations of handle-ribbon knots
Pages: 2157 – 2193
The stable Kauffman conjecture posits that a knot in $S^3$ is slice if and only if it admits a slice derivative. We prove a related statement: A knot is handle-ribbon (also called strongly homotopyribbon) in a homotopy 4‑ball $B$ if and only if it admits an R‑link derivative; i.e. an $n$-component derivative $L$ with the property that zero-framed surgery on $L$ yields $\#^n (S^1 \times S^2)$. We also show that $K$ bounds a handle-ribbon disk $D \subset B$ if and only if the 3‑manifold obtained by zero-surgery on $K$ admits a singular fibration that extends over handlebodies in $B \setminus D$. This can be viewed as a version of a classical theorem of Casson and Gordon for homotopy-ribbon fibered knots, here extended to handle-ribbon knots that need not be fibered.
The first author is supported by a fellowship from the Clay Mathematics Institute. Earlier during this project, she was supported by NSF grants DMS-2001675 at MIT and DGE-1656466 at Princeton.
The second author was supported by NSF grants DMS-2005518 and DMS-1664578.
Received 15 September 2021
Accepted 12 October 2021
Published 12 August 2024