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Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Volume 25 (2017)
Number 1
Very general monomial valuations of $\mathbb{P}^2$ and a Nagata-type conjecture
Pages: 125 – 161
It is well known that multi-point Seshadri constants for a small number $t$ of points in the projective plane are submaximal. It is predicted by the Nagata conjecture that their values are maximal for $t \geq 9$ points. Tackling the problem in the language of valuations one can make sense of t points for any real $t \geq 1$. We show somewhat surprisingly that a Nagata-type conjecture should be valid for $t \geq 8 + 1/36$ points and we compute explicitly all Seshadri constants (expressed here as the asymptotic maximal vanishing element) for $t \leq 7 + 1/9$. In the range $7 + 1/9 \leq t \leq 8 + 1/36$ we are able to compute some sporadic values.
Nagata conjecture, SHGH conjecture, Seshadri constants, monomial valuations, anticanonical divisor
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
13A18, 14C20
Received 18 April 2015
Published 9 June 2017