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Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Volume 13 (2005)
Number 5
Phase Space for the Einstein Equations
Pages: 845 – 885
A Hilbert manifold structure is described for the phase space $\mathcal{F}$ of asymptotically flat initial data for the Einstein equations. The space of solutions of the constraint equations forms a Hilbert submanifold $\mathcal{C} \subset \mathcal{F}$. The ADM energy-momentum defines a function which is smooth on this submanifold, but which is not defined in general on all of $\mathcal{F}$. The ADM Hamiltonian defines a smooth function on $\mathcal{F}$ which generates the Einstein evolution equations only if the lapse-shift satisfies rapid decay conditions. However a regularised Hamiltonian can be defined on $\mathcal{F}$ which agrees with the Regge–Teitelboim Hamiltonian on $\mathcal{C}$ and generates the evolution for any lapse-shift appropriately asymptotic to a (time) translation at infinity. Finally, critical points for the total (ADM) mass, considered as a function on the Hilbert manifold of constraint solutions, arise precisely at initial data generating stationary vacuum spacetimes.
This research was supported in part by the Australian Research Council.
Published 1 January 2005