Communications in Analysis and Geometry

Volume 11 (2003)

Number 4

Evolution of radial graphs in hyperbolic space by their mean curvature

Pages: 675 – 698



Philip Unterberger


We consider the evolution of a surface F : Mn ↦ ℋn+1 in hyperbolic space by mean curvature flow. That is, we study the one parameter family Ft = F(., t) of immersions with corresponding images Mt = F t (Mn) such that

δ / δt F(p, t) =ℋ(p, t), pMn

F(p, 0) = F0(p)

where ℋ(p, t) is the mean curvature vector of the hypersurface Mt at F(p, t) in hyperbolic space.

Published 1 January 2003