Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Volume 26 (2022)

Number 6


Shifted symplectic reduction of derived critical loci

Mathieu Anel and Damien Calaque

pp. 1543-1583

Families of Hitchin systems and $N=2$ theories

Aswin Balasubramanian, Jacques Distler, and Ron Donagi

pp. 1585-1667

$T$-dual solutions and infinitesimal moduli of the $G_2$-Strominger system

Andrew Clarke, Mario Garcia-Fernandez, and Carl Tipler

pp. 1669-1704

Integral and differential structures for quantum field theory

Louis Labuschagne and Adam Majewski

pp. 1787-1836

On the complex affine structures of SYZ-fibration of del Pezzo surfaces

Siu-Cheong Lau, Tsung-Ju Lee, and Yu-Shen Lin

pp. 1837-1872