Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Volume 23 (2019)

Number 8


Asymptotically flat extensions with charge

Aghil Alaee, Armando J. Cabrera Pacheco, and Carla Cederbaum

pp. 1951-1980

On the positivity of trace class operators

Elena Cordero, Maurice de Gosson, and Fabio Nicola

pp. 2061-2091

Real bundle gerbes, orientifolds and twisted $KR$-homology

Pedram Hekmati, Michael K. Murray, Richard J. Szabo, and Raymond F. Vozzo

pp. 2093-2159

Magnetic curves in the real special linear group

Jun-Ichi Inoguchi and Marian Ioan Munteanu

pp. 2161-2205

Homotopy classes of gauge fields and the lattice

Claudio Meneses and José A. Zapata

pp. 2207-2254