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Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Volume 23 (2019)
Number 7
Electrovacuum spacetime near an extreme horizon
Pages: 1903 – 1950
We determine all infinitesimal transverse deformations of extreme horizons in Einstein–Maxwell theory that preserve axisymmetry. In particular, we show that the general static transverse deformation of the $\operatorname{AdS}_2 \times S^2$ near-horizon geometry is a two-parameter family, which contains the known extreme charged, accelerating, static black hole solution held in equilibrium by an external electric or magnetic field (Ernst solution) and a special case of the extreme Kerr–Newman–Melvin solution. More generally, we find a three-parameter family of deformations of the extreme Kerr–Newman horizon, which contains the extreme Kerr–Newman–Melvin solution and a rotating generalisation of the Ernst solution. We also consider vacuum gravity with a cosmological constant and prove uniqueness of axisymmetric transverse deformations of the extreme Kerr‑$\operatorname{AdS}$ horizon. Finally, we completely classify transverse deformations of extreme horizons in three-dimensional Einstein–Maxwell theory with a negative cosmological constant.
Published 15 May 2020