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Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Volume 22 (2018)
Number 2
Chern-Simons theory on spherical Seifert manifolds, topological strings and integrable systems
Pages: 305 – 394
We consider the Gopakumar–Ooguri–Vafa correspondence, relating U(N) Chern–Simons theory at large $N$ to topological strings, in the context of spherical Seifert $3$-manifolds. These are quotients $\mathbb{S}^{\Gamma} = \Gamma \setminus \mathbb{S}^3$ of the three-sphere by the free action of a finite isometry group. Guided by string theory dualities, we propose a large N dual description in terms of both A- and B-twisted topological strings on (in general non-toric) local Calabi–Yau threefolds. The target space of the B-model theory is obtained from the spectral curve of Toda-type integrable systems constructed on the double Bruhat cells of the simply-laced group identified by the ADE label of $\Gamma$. Its mirror A-model theory is realized as the local Gromov–Witten theory of suitable ALE fibrations on $\mathbb{P}^1$, generalizing the results known for lens spaces.We propose an explicit construction of the family of target manifolds relevant for the correspondence, which we verify through a large $N$ analysis of the matrix model that expresses the contribution of the trivial flat connection to the Chern–Simons partition function. Mathematically, our results put forward an identification between the $1/N$ expansion of the $\mathrm{sl}_{N+1}$ LMO invariant of $\mathbb{S}^{\Gamma}$ and a suitably restricted Gromov–Witten/Donaldson–Thomas partition function on the A-model dual Calabi–Yau. This $1/N$ expansion, as well as that of suitable generating series of perturbative quantum invariants of fiber knots in $\mathbb{S}^{\Gamma}$, is computed by the Eynard–Orantin topological recursion.
Published 3 October 2018