Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Volume 1 (1997)

Number 2


D-branes in curved space

Michael R. Douglas

pp. 198-209

D-brane actions on Kähler manifolds

Michael R. Douglas, Akishi Kato, and Hirosi Ooguri

pp. 237-258

Comments on Neveu–Schwarz five-branes

Nathan Seiberg and Savdeep Sethi

pp. 259-270

Unwinding strings and T-duality of Kaluza–Klein and H-monopoles

Ruth Gregory, Jeffrey A. Harvey, and Gregory Moore

pp. 283-297

Integration over the $u$-plane in Donaldson theory

Gregory Moore and Edward Witten

pp. 298-387

Quantum theory of geometry II: Volume operators

Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski

pp. 388-429