Arkiv för Matematik

Volume 57 (2019)

Number 1


Rectifiability, interior approximation and harmonic measure

Murat Akman, Simon Bortz, Steve Hofmann, and José María Martell

pp. 1-22

Flexible and inflexible $CR$ submanifolds

Judith Brinkschulte and C. Denson Hill

pp. 23-33

Generalized Gorenstein Arf rings

Ela Celikbas, Olgur Celikbas, Shiro Goto, and Naoki Taniguchi

pp. 35-53

Gorenstein flat precovers and Gorenstein injective preenvelopes in Grothendieck categories

Edgar Enochs, J.R. García Rozas, Luis Oyonarte, and Blas Torrecillas

pp. 55-83

Comparison of moments of Rademacher chaoses

Paata Ivanisvili and Tomasz Tkocz

pp. 121-128

Algebraic cycles and triple $K3$ burgers

Robert Laterveer

pp. 157-189

Cohomological field theories with non-tautological classes

R. Pandharipande and D. Zvonkine

pp. 191-213