Asian Journal of Mathematics

Volume 21 (2017)

Number 2


Function fields of algebraic tori revisited

Shizuo Endo and Ming-Chang Kang

pp. 197-224

Special $L$-values of geometric motives

Jakob Scholbach

pp. 225-264

A combinatorial algorithm for computing higher order linking numbers

Chun-Chung Hsieh, Louis Kauffman, and Chichen M. Tsau

pp. 265-286

Elliptic minuscule pairs and splitting abelian varieties

V. Kumar Murty and Ying Zong

pp. 287-336

Notes on the fine Selmer groups

Meng Fai Lim

pp. 337-362

Dressing actions on proper definite affine spheres

Zhicheng Lin, Gang Wang, and Erxiao Wang

pp. 363-390