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Asian Journal of Mathematics
Volume 19 (2015)
Number 4
Topological classification of simplest Gorenstein non-complete intersection singularities of dimension 2
Pages: 651 – 792
Let $p$ be normal singularity of the 2-dimensional Stein space $V$. Let $\pi : M \to V$ be a minimal good resolution of $V$, such that the irreducible components $A_i$ of $A = \pi^{-1}(p)$ are nonsingular and have only normal crossings. Associated to $A$ is weighted dual graph $\Gamma$ which, along with the genera of the $A_i$, fully describes the topology and differentiable structure of $A$ and the topological and differentiable nature of the embedding of $A$ in $M$. It is well known that the simplest Gorenstein non-complete intersection singularities of dimension two are exactly those minimal elliptic singularities with fundamental cycle self intersection number $-5$. In this paper we classify all weighted dual graphs of these singularities. In particular, we prove that there is no integral homology link structure in the class of simplest Gorenstein non-complete intersection singularities of dimension two.
normal singularities, topological classification, weighted dual graph
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
Primary 32S25. Secondary 14B05, 58K65.
Published 4 November 2015