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Asian Journal of Mathematics
Volume 18 (2014)
Number 1
A new curve algebraically but not rationally uniformized by radicals
Pages: 127 – 142
We give a new example of a curve $C$ algebraically, but not rationally, uniformized by radicals. This means that $C$ has no map onto $\mathbb{P}^1$ with solvable Galois group, while there exists a curve $C'$ that maps onto $C$ and has a finite morphism to $\mathbb{P}^1$ with solvable Galois group. We construct such a curve $C$ of genus $9$ in the second symmetric product of a general curve of genus $2$. It is also an example of a genus $9$ curve that does not satisfy condition $S(4, 2, 9)$ of Abramovich and Harris.
monodromy groups, Galois groups, projective curves
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
14H10, 14H30, 20B25
Published 13 May 2014