Acta Mathematica

Volume 219 (2017)

Number 1


Asymptotic behavior of flows by powers of the Gaussian curvature

Simon Brendle, Kyeongsu Choi, and Panagiota Daskalopoulos

pp. 1-16

Correction to “On the density of geometrically finite Kleinian groups”

Jeffrey F. Brock and Kenneth W. Bromberg

pp. 17-19

Bernstein- and Markov-type inequalities for rational functions

Sergei Kalmykov, Béla Nagy, and Vilmos Totik

pp. 21-63

Singular Ricci flows I

Bruce Kleiner and John Lott

pp. 65-134

Gauduchon metrics with prescribed volume form

Gábor Székelyhidi, Valentino Tosatti, and Ben Weinkove

pp. 181-211