![]() 2020 Hardcover (ISBN 9781571463913) |
This is the first of two volumes consisting of lectures given at conferences held in 2019 to celebrate the seventieth birthday of Shing-Tung Yau: at Harvard University (May), at the University of Rome (May/June), at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (June), at the 8th ICCM Congress at Tsinghua University (June), at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania (November), and elsewhere.
Included here are: Werner Ballmann on “Bottom of spectra and coverings;” Robert J. Berman with “An invitation to Kähler–Einstein metrics and random point processes”; Duong H. Phong on “Unification of the Kähler–Ricci and anomaly flows”; Cumrun Vafa on “SCFTs, holography, and topological strings”; Stephen S.-T. Yau on “Recent results on $k$-th Yau algebras over simple elliptic singularities $\tilde{E}_6$”; Kefeng Liu on “Global methods of solving equations on manifolds”; Chuu-Lian Terng on “The geometric airy curve flow on $\mathbb{R}^n$”; and Valentino Tosatti on “Collapsing Calabi–Yau manifolds.”
This volume is part of the Surveys in Differential Geometry book series.
Pub. Date |
ISBN-13 |
ISBN-10 |
Medium |
Binding |
Size, Etc. |
Status |
List Price |
2020 Jun |
9781571463913 |
1571463917 |
hardcover |
7” x 10” |
In Print |
US$127.50 |