![]() 2012 Paperback (ISBN 9781571462367) |
This volume is based upon the lecture notes of a summer school and workshop held in 2009 at East China Normal University, and consists of papers dealing with various areas of Lie theory and representation theory. Topics include: recent developments in representations of Lie superalgebras, with an explanation of how Lie superalgebras of types gl and osp provide a natural framework for generalized Schur and Howe dualities; combinatorial and geometric aspects of representation theory of finite group schemes; recent developments in the representation theory and cohomology theory of reductive algebraic groups; and the theory of D-modules and its application to representations of Lie algebras.
Lie Theory and Representation Theory is well-suited for graduate students working in the fields of Lie theory and representation theory and in related areas, and for researchers who wish to learn about some current core areas in Lie theory and representation theory, along with their applications.
This volume is part of the Surveys of Modern Mathematics book series.
Pub. Date |
ISBN-13 |
ISBN-10 |
Medium |
Binding |
Size, Etc. |
Status |
List Price |
2012 Jun |
9781571462367 |
1571462368 |
paperback |
7” x 10” |
In Print |
US$87.00 |