![]() 2010 Paperback (ISBN 9781571461414) |
Classical modular forms on the upper half plane, with respect to the modular group SL(2,Z) and its congruence subgroups, have arisen naturally in number theory, complex analysis, topology, mathematical physics, and many other subjects. The closely related automorphic representations are basic notions in the celebrated Langlands program, which was proposed by Langlands in the late 1960s and has since revolutionized the fields of number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and representation theory. This volume consists of expanded lecture notes from a 2007 international conference in Guangzhou, China, at which several leading experts in number theory presented introductions to, and surveys of, many aspects of automorphic forms and the Langlands program.
This volume is part of the Advanced Lectures in Mathematics book series.
Pub. Date |
ISBN-13 |
ISBN-10 |
Medium |
Binding |
Size, Etc. |
Status |
List Price |
2010 Mar |
9781571461414 |
1571461418 |
paperback |
7” x 10” |
In Print |
US$82.50 |