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Mathematical Research Letters
Volume 29 (2022)
Number 4
Symplectic realizations of holomorphic Poisson manifolds
Pages: 903 – 944
Symplectic realization is a longstanding problem which can be traced back to Sophus Lie. In this paper, we present an explicit solution to this problem for an arbitrary holomorphic Poisson manifold. More precisely, for any holomorphic Poisson manifold $(\mathscr{X},\pi)$ with underlying real smooth manifold $X$, we prove that there exists a holomorphic symplectic structure in a neighborhood $Y$ of the zero section of $T^\ast X$ such that the projection map is a holomorphic symplectic realization of the given holomorphic Poisson manifold, and moreover the zero section is a holomorphic Lagrangian submanifold. We describe an explicit construction for such a new holomorphic symplectic structure on $Y \subseteq T^\ast X$.
Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation grants DMS1101827, DMS1406668, DMS-1707545, and DMS-200159.
Received 16 March 2020
Accepted 22 January 2021
Published 23 February 2023