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Mathematical Research Letters
Volume 15 (2008)
Number 6
Generalized test ideals, sharp $F$-purity, and sharp test elements
Pages: 1251 – 1261
Consider a pair $(R, \ba^t)$ where $R$ is a ring of positive characteristic, $\ba$ is an ideal such that $\ba \cap R^{\circ} \neq \emptyset$, and $t > 0$ is a real number. In this situation we have the ideal $\tau_R(\ba^t)$, the generalized test ideal associated to $(R, \ba^t)$ as defined by Hara and Yoshida. We show that $\tau_R(\ba^t) \cap R^{\circ}$ is made up of appropriately defined generalized test elements which we call \emph{\ste s}. We also define a variant of $F$-purity for pairs, \emph{\sfpty}, which interacts well with \ste s and agrees with previously defined notions of $F$-purity in many common situations. We show that if $(R, \ba^t)$ is \sfp, then $\tau_R(\ba^t)$ is a radical ideal. Furthermore, by following an argument of Vassilev, we show that if $R$ is a quotient of an $F$-finite regular local ring and $(R, \ba^t)$ is \sfp, then $R/\tau_R(\ba^t)$ itself is $F$-pure. We conclude by showing that \sfpty{ }can be used to define the $F$-pure threshold. As an application we show that the $F$-pure threshold must be a rational number under certain hypotheses.
Published 1 January 2008