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Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly
Volume 17 (2021)
Number 1
Entropy rigidity for foliations by strictly convex projective manifolds
Pages: 575 – 589
Let $N$ be a compact manifold with a foliation $\mathscr{F}_N$ whose leaves are compact strictly convex projective manifolds. Let $M$ be a compact manifold with a foliation $\mathscr{F}_M$ whose leaves are compact hyperbolic manifolds of dimension bigger than or equal to $3$. Suppose we have a foliation-preserving homeomorphism $f : (N,\mathscr{F}_N) \to (M, \mathscr{F}_M)$ which is $C^1$-regular when restricted to leaves. In the previous situation there exists a well-defined notion of foliated volume entropies $h(N, \mathscr{F}_N)$ and $h(M, \mathscr{F}_M)$ and it holds $h(M, \mathscr{F}_M) \leq h(N, \mathscr{F}_N)$. Additionally, if equality holds, then the leaves must be homothetic.
entropy rigidity, foliation, strictly convex projective structure, natural map
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
Primary 53A20, 53C24. Secondary 57M50.
The author was partially supported by the FNS grant no. 200020-192216.
Received 24 October 2020
Accepted 12 January 2021
Published 11 April 2021