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Journal of Symplectic Geometry
Volume 20 (2022)
Number 6
Genus-one complex quantum Chern–Simons theory
Pages: 1215 – 1253
We consider the geometric quantisation of Chern–Simons theory for closed genus-one surfaces and semisimple complex algebraic groups. First we introduce the natural complexified analogue of the Hitchin connection in Kähler quantisation, with polarisations coming from the nonabelian Hodge hyper-Kähler geometry of the moduli spaces of flat connections, thereby complementing the real-polarised approach of Witten. Then we consider the connection of Witten, and we identify it with the complexified Hitchin connection using a version of the Bargmann transform on polarised sections over the moduli spaces.
Received 20 March 2021
Accepted 23 June 2022
Published 26 April 2023