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Communications in Mathematical Sciences
Volume 22 (2024)
Number 5
Strong convergence rates of a fully discrete scheme for the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation with additive noise
Pages: 1307 – 1346
The first aim of this paper is to examine existence, uniqueness and regularity for the stochastic Cahn–Hilliard equation with additive noise in space dimension $d\leq 3$. By applying a spectral Galerkin method to the infinite dimensional equation, we elaborate the well-posedness and regularity of the finite dimensional approximate problem. The key idea lies in transforming the stochastic problem with additive noise into an equivalent random equation. The regularity of the solution to the equivalent random equation is obtained, in one dimension, with the aid of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality and is done in two and three dimensions, by the energy argument. Further, the approximate solution is shown to be strongly convergent to the unique mild solution of the original stochastic equation, whose spatio-temporal regularity can be attained by similar arguments. In addition, a fully discrete approximation of such problem is investigated, performed by the spectral Galerkin method in space and the backward Euler method in time. The previously obtained regularity results help us to identify strong convergence rates of the fully discrete scheme. Numerical examples are finally included to confirm the theoretical findings.
stochastic Cahn–Hilliard equation, spatio-temporal regularity, spectral Galerkin method, backward Euler method, strong convergence rates
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
60H35, 60Hxx, 65C30
Received 25 June 2021
Received revised 12 August 2023
Accepted 19 November 2023
Published 15 July 2024