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Communications in Mathematical Sciences
Volume 22 (2024)
Number 3
Stability of contact lines in 2D stationary Benard convection
Pages: 747 – 775
We consider the evolution of contact lines for thermal convection of viscous fluids in a two-dimensional open-top vessel. The domain is bounded above by a free moving boundary and otherwise by the solid wall of a vessel. The dynamics of the fluid are governed by the incompressible Boussinesq approximation under the influence of gravity, and the interface between fluid and air is under the effect of capillary forces. Here we develop global well posedness theory in the framework of nonlinear energy methods for the initial data sufficiently close to equilibrium. Moreover, the solutions decay to equilibrium at an exponential rate. Our methods are mainly based on the elliptic analysis near corners and a priori estimates of a geometric formulation of the Boussinesq equations.
free boundary problems, Bénard convection, global existence, capillarity
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
35Q30, 35R35, 74G25, 76D45
Received 7 May 2019
Received revised 20 February 2023
Accepted 30 August 2023
Published 4 March 2024