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Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Volume 27 (2023)
Number 7
On one-loop corrected dilaton action in string theory
Pages: 1965 – 2044
This manuscript concerns string one-loop corrections to the Kähler potential in 4d $\mathcal{N} = 1$ vacua of string theories, and it largely consists of two parts. In the first part, we compute the string one-loop correction to the dilaton kinetic term in heterotic string theories, and we show that the dilaton kinetic term is not renormalized at one-loop. This result agrees with the background field method studied by Kiritsis and Kounnas. After reviewing the well-known result on the string one-loop correction to the Kähler potential in heterotic string theories, we explain how this result can be reconciled with the known result on the Kähler potential in heterotic string theory. In the second part, we study the dilaton dependence of the one-loop corrected Kähler potential in type II string theories. To do so, we compute the string one-loop correction to the kinetic action of the 4d‑dilaton in type II string theories compactified on orientifolds of Calabi–Yau threefolds. We find that the string oneloop corrected 4d‑dilaton kinetic term is determined by the Witten index and the new supersymmetric index of the string worldsheet CFT.
Published 14 August 2024